
Introduction and Perspective In this post, I am briefly reviewing the draft of Andrew Ng’s Machine Learning Yearning, which can currently be obtained for free here. This is a work in progress, so my comments will be brief and not particularly critical. I obtained the copy I read on May 11; the page numbers and content may have changed since then. I read the book because I have not had the chance to do too much machine learning work in the recent past.
5 min read
I added a new section to this website! It is a work in progress (currently a long wall of text), but it will serve as a portfolio of some of my data science and statistics projects. I will be updating it in the coming days and weeks with more code snippets and visualizations. You can keep an eye on it here. The link can also be found at the top of this page.
1 min read
Switching to Emacs Org mode and ox-hugo I was previously using blogdown to generate this static website from .Rmd documents. I was working almost exclusively with R at the time, and I didn’t see that changing. Blogdown was a wonderful package to use to get this site up and running and it worked well for my first posts. However, my interests changed; I found it a little difficult to use outside of the context of RStudio; and it became a little harder to translate my current activities into .
2 min read
One of the first books I’ll be working (partially) through is Introduction to Linear Optimization (Bertsimas and Tsitsiklis 1997). I recently took a statistical computing class that covered a selection of optimization topics. Though the course was far from comprehensive, it highlighted the value of having a range of optimization techniques, and a thorough grounding of how they work, in your toolbox. I will be working through the first four or five chapters of this book before moving onto nonlinear programming.
2 min read
Welcome to my site! I will be using this site for a few different purposes: Writing a blog Aggregating my other publications Posting notes and exercises from my statistics and math self-study Writing short reviews of the books I read blog I used to write a lot more when I was a History of Science student at the University of Chicago. Studying statistics doesn’t give me as many opportunities to write, but I think it’s very important for people to write–and read–about statistics.
2 min read